Subterranean Termite Treatments Involve Using Liquid Termiticide And Bait

If you're seeing wings and bug bodies around your home, you might have termites. If you don't know for sure, call a pest control company to inspect your home to look for termites and to identify the wings and bodies you see. Ants can be confused with termites, so it's important to know for sure if termites are active on your property.

If subterranean termites are confirmed, the pest control company will choose the best termite treatment for your situation. This might involve using liquid termiticide along with bait. Here's how this might be done.

The Exterminator Decides Whether To Treat Indoors

Termite treatments are commonly done outside if you have subterranean termites. That's because these termites live outside in colonies under the ground. They move back and forth from the colony to your home, but they don't usually live inside your house. However, the exterminator takes the circumstances of your infestation under control.

If there are a lot of termites in your house, termite treatment may be applied inside your house too. When this is done, the termiticide may be sprayed or injected into wall cracks. However, indoor treatments may not be needed when the colony is targeted outdoors.

A Perimeter Treatment May Be Applied Outdoors

Liquid termiticide is often used to kill off termites. This is applied around the perimeter of your home to create a pesticide barrier that kills termites as they move toward your home and as they move from your home to go back to the colony. The termiticide kills the termites on contact, and it can be a favored choice when your property is infested with termites and you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

The effects of the liquid treatment can last a few years. The exterminator may also drill into the exterior of your home or floor to inject additional termiticide. Liquid treatments can be used alone or along with bait stations.

Bait Stations Can Kill The Colony

Bait is a popular termite treatment since they're effective and may prevent the need to use termiticide indoors or outside. The drawback with bait is that it takes a long time to work, so if you have a heavy infestation, the exterminator may recommend a combination of treatments.

Bait is put in a station and placed in the ground. The bait doesn't attract termites. Instead, the termites just stumble upon the bait as they're out searching for food. It may take time for the termites to find the bait, and then they carry it back to the colony so the colony can be slowly wiped out. To increase the chances of termites finding the bait, the exterminator will probably install several of them around the outside of your home.

The bait stations can also be used for monitoring once your infestation is gone. The exterminator may keep them stocked with bait or switch to cellulose and check the stations periodically to see if the cellulose has been disturbed. This alerts you to termite activity so you can start termite treatments if needed.   
